Monday, June 16, 2008

The Eagle has landed!

Well the Eagle has landed indeed. We have officially lived in Utah for one week today. We are almost unpacked (note to self: throw away or burn all belongings before next move!) Really I would rather burn all our belongings than move them again.

Unfortunately our TV / Internet will not be installed until Thursday - Ack! I am updating via my i-phone. More to come when we get totally set up.

We are excited to be here and at the same time missing NorCal.


Jenny said...

i never really got to say bye so best of luck with everything there! luckily we can keep tabs on you with your blog!

Lisa said...

I'm so happy you guys are here now! It was so fun to see you on Sunday! Your kids are darling!

Lisa said...

I just remembered...I need your new address. Could you email it to me? Thanks

JS said...

We didn't get to say goodbye to you all either before we left. Glad you are in Utah safely! Good luck with everything, and we are excited to here about your adventures in the bubble. :)

liz said...


I can't WAIT for my day when I can post that our eagle has landed and the packing, travel, signing papers, unpacking are behind me.

Oh wait yes I can, it's 145degrees in AZ and not here. Or wait no I can't wait. I am torn.

congratulations on landing!!! Can't wait to

Becca said...

YAY yay yay yay yay! So much fun!

Kath said...

Yay!! congratulations! How did you unpack in one week?? Can you come teach me, please!!