Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I want Fish!

About a week ago Nancy came home from the store with some Dover Sole fillets. I prepared a nice Sole Dore that night. If you are not familiar with a Sole Dore, it is prepared by dredging the fillets in seasoned flour, then dipping in egg, then pan frying. It is finished off with a squeeze of lemon or a lemon butter sauce. It actually turned out well. Besides Nancy's favorite fish dish, it turned out to be a surprise favorite for Emma. It was hard to believe with out seeing her shovel down bite after bite and come back for more. I have to admit that I was pleased!

Fast forward to today. Emma came up to me and said "I hungry! I want FISH!" My first thought returned to that wonderful Sole Dore, I figured she loved it the first time so much she was requesting it again. We did not have any sole in the house, so I tried to change her mind by offering her other things. (I really didn't want to cook it anyway, too much effort and too many dirty dishes just to satisfy her desire for fish.) Regardless, I do have to admit I was pleased she was asking for my fish! She took a yogurt and bounced off.

About an hour later she returned and said "I HUNGRY! I... WANT... FISH!" this time she seemed pretty earnest in her desire. As a good father I started to search the freezer for what else? Fish! I found some and figured that even though it was not Sole I could cook it the same manner and it may pass. I grabbed the package and showed it to her seeking her approval.

Her answer when she saw the package of tasty fish was both swift and vehement as she screamed (no kidding she screamed) " NOOOOO!!! THAT NOT FISH!"

She then took me to the cupboard and pointed to the box shown below and reassured me that "That Fish!"

I have to admit I was a tiny bit crushed that she was not interested in My Fish, but I had to laugh at the simple miscommunication I had with my 3 year old. Note to self. Emma really likes fish, but the cracker kind is her favorite.

In the end Emma got her fish and she was finally happy and quit badgering her dumb dad for fish!

By the way Nancy and I had a good laugh over this incident, and for the record she would have gone for the Goldfish the first time.

I guess in the end it is a good lesson on communication that reaches beyond today's 40 year old -vs- 3 year old fish tale. Maybe next time I will listen and try to understand before I decide what Emma (or anyone else) really wants. Lesson learned... again!


Amy said...

LOL, that's too funny I just had to post to it!!! I can just see you Scott getting all ready to cook her some gourmet fish when all she really wanted was fishies! :)

Paige said...

She's so cute I'd be distracted by her requests too.

Kath said...

Yum! I want FISH too!! (but not gold kind, please) Fun story!! You best post about another child soon...Emma is looking like the fave:)

Nortorious said...

You MAY have a favorite child.

Cheryl said...

Ha! That's just too funny.