Thursday, October 16, 2008

The First Snow

For a week, Ben has been diligently following the weather report for signs of the first snow. His wish came true on Saturday! Although the snow really didn't stick on the ground, it still ranked as a snow day in the kid's book. They went crazy outside, squealing and carrying on. I'm sure our neighbors were thinking, "not snow already!" but as for us, it was welcomed with open arms.

I decided to take the kids to a Pumpkin Patch in Santaquinn on this same, very fridgid day, to ready us for our Curtis Family Pumpkin Carving Party - Utah edition that evening. What I didn't know was that to get to the actual pumpkin patch, you have to take a hayride about a mile away. Very windy = FREEZING! I tried to talk the kids into just picking out a pumpkin from the bins at the main store, but no, they wanted the real thing.

We managed to thaw enough to carve pumpkins. Thanks to Uncle Scott, pumpkin-cleaner-outer extraordinaire (he, indeed, can clean out the pumpkin guts in less than 2 minutes wielding an ice cream scoop) and the chief Pumpkineer, Uncle Rich, we had a grand time. We were thrilled to have our Roundy cousins and Robyn at the party too!

The next day, Ben noticed that one pumpkin had been cleaned out but not carved. He and Sarah decided to carve a "Y" on it.

Need I say more?


Becca said...

Cute! Having kids around makes the holidays so much more exciting!

Jenibelle said...

Delurking...that picture of the baby in the red coat with the little round red nose is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen!!

Kath said...

So, So fun!! Great pictures...Sam is asking for snow--we may need to come visit...Your kids looks so Utah-a-naturales--happy, settled and all that stuff.

Christy said...

How fun! We're going to pumpkin patch today-but its a bit warmer round here:) Glad you had such a fun time.

Karri said...

looks like so much fun! we miss ya!