Saturday, August 02, 2008

"July she will fly!"

As the Simon & Garfunkel lyrics describe July did fly! But first things first. I promised pictures from Ben and My trip to the Y.

Going back to June 24th, this is of course Ben at the Y gate at the trail head to the Y.

This was the first view we got of the Y on switchback number 8 out of 10.


This is the view from the top of the Y looking down on Provo and BYU campus.

We took a camel back filled with cold water and a little lunch we ate up at the top. It was a nice hot day, but really fun to spend some good father and son time together.

Next installment "The 4th of July"... hopefully before the end of August!


Kath said...

Yay!! Still check back regularly...even if nothing is new..I still feel like I am keeping in touch. Hey Scott, have you watched the Aquabat pilot on Utube?? My boys loved it and of course brought back thoughts of Scott:)

liz j said...

We miss you guys. I was glad I got to have two of your kids in my primary class before you flew off to Utah.

Photos of the Y trail bring back intense nostalgia. What a cool place for a picnic!

Becca said...

I'm glad Ben got the Y experience even before his freshman year!

Kyle LOVES Yo Gabba Gabba now--we constantly watch the song "There's a Party in My Tummy" and I always think of you guys!

Let's hang out soon!