Thursday, November 01, 2007

Theater Thursday - Words from the Ugly Stepsister

A huge part of our family is our involvement in the Danville Children's Musical Theater. This great opportunity has grafted us into the Greenberg family. We love our association with them but let's face it, we are Pam's slaves. We definitely work harder than those full-blooded sisters, Celia, Paige, Ellie & Lenore (well, maybe not Nor since she had to choreograph this show). Here's a little glimpse into what it's like for us during theater season.

Our garage turns into a workshop as Scotty works on the sets. (Notice the scooter which holds a story for another blogging day about Ben riding it on a walk with a blanket over his legs...)

Scotty works every spare minute on the sets. He married into this mess and is now a true theater guy because he claims his creative juices don't flow unless he procrastinates until the last minute.

Scotty Jr. helping out. (Notice the protective goggles. A lesson learned from the year Ben's cornea was scratched by flying sawdust.)

Two of our four neglected children during the season.

And me, practicing away, transposing music for ungrateful kids who think I can just do this with the snap of my fingers. Unfortunately, I'm not pictured at my lucky Yamaha piano I play at the theater. I decided photographing it would be very sacrilegious similar to photographing the pulpit of an LDS chapel. I am VERY superstitious about playing for a show. For example, whatever happens to be on the piano at the beginning of Tech Week MUST remain there until the final show. I have been known to have happy meal toys or empty water bottles somewhere on the piano during the entire run because they got left there in the beginning. I get very upset if things are moved. Don't be getting any ideas. Word on the street is that the theater piano is going to be replaced with a digital piano. GASP!!!!! I'm in denial. I may need medication if this comes to fruition. Yes, I have considered purchasing it myself and storing it only to haul it back for each show as part of the sets. Scotty said over his dead body.

Sarah asked me at rehearsal last Monday what was wrong with Pam. I inquired what she meant and she said, "why does she yell like that?" I told her it was just that time of year. She is an equal opportunity yeller except I don't think she ever yells at Scotty. Pam has always been good to me and our family. She even let me have a baby this theater season. We can put up with a little yelling.

Tech week is a trial for everyone but it is all worth it. There is nothing better than playing for a show. I LOVE to play the piano!! All the hardwork is worth seeing those kids shine. Pam does her amazing magic resulting in a show to be proud of! I'm grateful for such a great opportunity to do something I love! It's even better to share it with my whole family! Thanks Pam & pseudo-stepfamily!


Celia Fae said...

Nancy, please be a real sister. Oh wait, you work too hard.

I don't know how you do it, but I am grateful. Once a long time ago, Pam asked me to play the piano. After I choked on my own phlegm from gasping so hard, I declined. I could never work the magic you have in your hands.

Nice hyperlinking.

D-dawg said...

I agree with Celia, you are an amazing pianist. I've only seen one of the shows so far but you did great. I am surprised by the issue you have about not moving things that were set on the piano... that is funny.

Jessica said...

Oh long is this running? Probably not till Thanksgiving, when I'm in town!

I have pure admiration for that kind of dedication. And LOVE the superstition issues.

Paige said...

Once you start seriously slacking off and demanding lots of money you will truly belong. Have we taught you nothing? Your work on the show is magic, and really makes it good. And you don't even have to scream to get there.

Just this once will you please scream back? And videotape it.

Ellie said...

I apologize in advance for the picture of "nancy" on my blog. Anything for a laugh...

mamasuisse said...

I'm glad Pam let you have a baby this season - she sure is cute. I feel like I'm really missing out by being stuck in Utah. I think I'll have to plan my next California trip around Danville Children's Musical Theater's schedule.

janelle said...

Hi Nancy! I totally forgot about you and the piano. And you can transpose! I can't even imagine. After years of piano lessons I can barely plunk out the chords for hymns in RS. Working with the theater sounds like so much fun!

Linsey said...

Hi Nancy, you don't know me, but I know Paige in person (and those other girls through their blogs). I just wanted to give you kudos for working the magic that everyone is talking about. Being an accompanist is rough, especially for kids who don't get it. I'm sure you're amazing and a godsend - hope your show is a success and a lot of fun.

liz said...

"Ben riding it on a walk with a blanket over his legs"

totally makes me laugh out loud every time I check your blog and look at the scooter. I am WAITING to hear that story (tap tap tap)........

heidiram said...

Hey Scotty! I don't remember if I ever gave you Shawn and Weeze's information. Here's their e-mail: