Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Editorial: Where have all the flags gone?

Today is Patriots day. A day of remembrance. A day to remember those that died, some because they were in the wrong place and they could not get away. Some trying to take control, and others who were in the right place doing their jobs. We remember them and the families of all left behind.

Remember 9/11! In a way it has become the new Alamo, and the new Pearl Harbor. I have heard many tributes today on the radio and television remembering those who perished in the terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. Particulary those who gave thier lives as they attempted to save others. The true heros.

The days after the attacks we came together as a country with our colors. Red, White, and Blue flying in solidarity, with honor, and remembrance. The flag blankedted the United States. It was amazing. Something I will never forget. Flying the Flag was beyond patriotic, it was almost an act of defiance towards those who wished ill on the United States. We will not sit back, we will remember! Those were some hard days, the begining of hard questions. But we seemed to be a country united. It was a good feeling. Time has passed, I do not think we have forgotten, but somehow we have become used to it. I wish that didn't happen. Regardless, I must ask the question.

Where have all the flags gone?


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